1. Handmade by Jules Sweet Baby Hat
This handknit baby hat is from the wonderful Etsy merchant Jules Silas. It’s made from 100% cotton yarn, which appears to be pearle. I love the long stocking cap and tassels!
In a whole host of colors, as well as custom made, they can be worn all day, indoors and out, as well as at bed time. They won’t cause allergies like wool, yet they are not synthetic like most handknit baby hats. Made from 100% cotton, they are soft, yet sturdy and completely washable.
Jules has been knitting since childhood, and she has inspired me to take out the needles and finish that sweater I started for my daughter eight years ago, or at least think about it.
Would I buy this product? Maybe. I love to support Etsy crafters, but I also like to shop locally, especially at craft fairs. I also would like to think that I could or would motivate to knit a hat when the next friend’s baby comes along, but the truth be told, I haven’t yet.
2. Natural Pod Wooden Doll Rocker
This is another incredible, versatile, durable, handmade wooden toy by Natural Pod. Exclusively designed by Natural Pod, this beautiful toy can be a rocker in two positions or simply a cradle.
A combination of 100% certified FSC Euro Ply and finished with a blend of pure oils (no peanut oils) and containing no dyes, perfumes or additives.
This toy is absolutely fabulous and well-built in Canada. It is definitely heirloom quality and will stay in your family for generations. Both my son and my daughter adore this toy from a truly green company!
Would I buy this product? Absolutely! It may seem expensive, but the quality is worth every dollar, whether CAD or USD, and remember it is handmade! This toy will definitely stick around our home for the grandchildren that will eventually come in twenty or thirty years, just like the other toys we have from Natural Pod.
3. Plan Toys “Bulldozer” from the Acorn Store
We’ve always been a big fan of Plan Toys, and now we have become fans of the Acorn Store, an online merchant that features the full line! Plan Toys is a truly green toy company:
PlanToys® uses environmentally-friendly materials.
Organic Rubberwood
All PlanToys® are made with clean, natural rubberwood from rubber trees which no longer produce latex. To keep the rubberwood pure, no fertilizer is added to the soil for three years before the trees are cut. To strengthen the wood, PlanToys® uses a special chemical-free kiln drying process.
Non-Toxic E-Zero Glue
PlanToys® are assembled using a proprietary, non-formaldehyde E-Zero.
Water Based Dye
PlanToys® does not use dyes containing lead or any other heavy metals. We use only safe, non-toxic water-based dyes on all of our toys.
Recycled and Recyclable Material
PlanToys® uses recycled and recyclable material to minimize our impact on the environment.
Soy & Water-based Ink
PlanToys® uses soy and water-based inks on our printed materials. These inks are more readily biodegradable and can be recycled more efficiently than standard chemical ink.
The Plan Toys Bulldozer is not really a bulldozer: it is a loader. If you have a little boy that knows heavy equipment, like my son, he will be sure to correct you if you call this toy a bulldozer. This toy features a working handle that helps you lift, haul, and dump your load. Unlike some of our Plan Toys, I’ve never had to glue or repair our “bulldozer”.
Would I buy this product? Yes, I would, and I actually have! I love Plan Toys, and I am really happy to see them featured in more toy stores both online and in retail locations.
4. The Grandparents Handbook: Games, Activities, Tips, How-Tos, and All-Around Fun
This book was written by a family trio of mother, grandmother, and grandfather. It is filled with a plethora of ideas for grandparents to entertain their little ones. From handling toddler tantrums to making overnight pickles, this book covers it all! My mother is usually very good at entertaining the kids for the first couple days of her visits, but this book would come in very handy when the boredom sets in. It would also be a handy resource for any grandparent that takes regular care of their grandchildren.
Would I buy this product? No. I would like every idea to be eco-friendly, although many of them are green. For example, I like the idea of the watercolor bath, in which grandparents allow children to play with shaving cream and food coloring in the bathtub; however, earth-friendly products would be a must in my home. Getting my parents to remember our green ideals can be a struggle, so this would definitely be something that would need to be addressed.
5. Juliette Sunshine Eco-Friendly Clothing for Your Little Fashionista
These clothes are truly delightful, as they are made from “original screen prints, delicate trims & vintage fabrics”. Each item is one-of-a-kind and made with love by fashion designer Zoe Williams. The line officially launches in Spring 2010, and we were lucky enough to get a preview sample. These clothes are funky and definitely would appeal to any little girl’s aesthetic. The wholesale prices are very affordable ($12-$34).
Would I buy this product? Yes. These clothes are well made and quite a value for a one-of-a-kind piece. Not only are the designs unique, but these clothes are definitely sweatshop-free.
Disclosure: The products described above were sent to us as free samples. Prior assurances as to the nature of the reviews, whether positive or negative, were not given. No financial payments were accepted in exchange for the reviews. The reviews reflect our honest, authentic opinions.
Great gifts! These are adorable. Another gift that’s fun for young children is play food– I like the handmade felt food available from several Etsy sellers like this sandwich: http://tinyurl.com/ye8yczc
I love the handmade baby hat! It is was to cute.