After two years with Green Options/Important Media and one year with Simple Earth Media, we have decided to return to our independent roots. We’ve learned a lot from our experiences in blog networks, and we are thankful for all of the wonderful people we have met; however, ultimately, our readers have inspired us to go solo.
Please bear with use over the next couple of weeks as we work through revamping the site. Our goal is to rebuild our community and bring back many of the great writers we miss! We also think it is a priority to maintain our integrity with advertising.
If you have any ideas or suggestions for the new Eco Child’s Play, please feel free to contact jennifer [at] ecochildsplay [dot] com or leave a comment.
We owe Derek Markham of Natural Papa an extra big thanks for helping us with the technical aspects of our move to independence!
Good luck on that! I wish you all the best on your new independent way.