Prostitution is often referred to as the oldest profession, but I would argue midwifery has been around since humans dwelled in caves. Not only is midwifery an ancient, sacred profession, it still follows the apprenticeship model of training and educating new midwives.
Midwifery laws vary greatly by state, but apprenticeship is an important part of the process of becoming a midwife.
Midwifery Today explains:
Apprenticeship learning involves the whole human being–body, emotions, mind, spirit–and therefore is the most powerful form of learning there is. We all learn to be full members of our cultures through this kind of experiential learning. Pure apprenticeship learning is connection-based, as opposed to didactic learning which can seem to take place in a vacuum, with no apparent connection to anything…. Because birth turns out well most of the time, apprentices attending home and birth center births usually are not exposed early on to pathology, and have the time to build a profound trust in the process of birth and in women’s ability to give birth. Their training gives them a much broader experience of the wide range “normal” birth can take when it is not technologically controlled. The establishment of this kind of trust can have a great deal to do with the relationship between the apprentice and her mentor. I have interviewed a number of apprentices and mentors around the country, and am always impressed by the special quality of their relationship. Most mentors care deeply about the apprentices they take on, get to know them intimately, become committed to making sure they obtain the best education possible, and work to bolster the student’s trust both in birth and in herself as she learns.
My own experience with my midwives’ apprentice was positive. She was the first one to arrive when my labor began, and she had a very sweet, calming voice. I felt I could connect with her, and she carried out a lot of the more mundane aspects of prenatal visits. I learned more about my pregnancy and birth because she was present. She was quizzed by the midwives, and she asked questions I wouldn’t think to ask.
A very good friend of mine and excellent midwife is seeking an assistant. This is an amazing opportunity for someone to learn with Amanda Moore:
My midwifery training enables me to manage healthy, normal pregnancy and birth with its variations. I am also trained in identifying actual or potential complications, provide emergency treatment until additional assistance is available, and refer women who may require obstetrical attention. When choosing to birth at home with a midwife, many unnecessary interventions, medications and medical procedures will be avoided. Midwife attended homebirthing is a safe experience for the mother and her baby. I practice according to the Midwifery Model of Care (http://cfmidwifery.org/mmoc) which is based on the fact that pregnancy and birth are normal life processes.
Flower of Life Midwifery provides home birth and water birth services in the Eugene area.
I am seeking a student assistant for my small homebirth practice.
I serve apx. 10-12 women per year. This opportunity is perfect for someone willing to take their time with gathering their skills.
Qualifications would include:
Willingness to live within 15 min. of Eugene, Reliable transportation and cell phone, current CPR & NRP, A letter sharing about you and your midwifery path,Commitment to my practice & clients
If you are interested, you should email floweroflifemidiwfery@yahoo.com
Although midwifery is often thought of as a female career path, I recently found out that one of my male friends is a trained midwife. Whether male or female, if you are interested in midwifery, an assistant role would start you on the path to see if it is your true calling.
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