I hate the term “Mommy Blogger”. To mean, it sounds diminutive, as if because I am a mother and because I write, that my work is worth less. Mommy Blogger is not a feminist term.
A couple months ago, I was interviewed by the New York Post. Although I don’t think I made the cut for the article, I did have a long conversation with the reporter about the term Mommy Blogger after she called me one.
I’ve never been to BlogHer. I don’t really even get it. I have written for many other environmental websites (Sustainablog, Really Natural, Blue Living Ideas, Planet Save, etc.), and I rarely write about my kids. I am not a Mommy Blogger.
I was reminded of how much I hate this term last week by Jessica Gottlieb. She wrote:
Well that went well. Dr. Ari Brown spat out the words Mommy Blogger a few times with a little more disdain that Sister Susan uses for syphilis or satan. James Steyer was magnificent at promoting his website and chastised me more than once for arguing the science…
I’m tired of of women like Dr. Ari Brown who have an agenda that is dismissive of real life. It’s exhausting to me that folks think that because you’re a blogger you’re uneducated. It’s tiring to hear from the “experts”, as new media has evolved I’ve seen the curtain pulled back and much like the Wizard of Oz there are often tiny men with big megaphones.
I started this website in 2006, before the term Mommy Blogger existed. It took me awhile to think of myself and accept the term “writer” for sharing my thoughts and opinions about living a greener family life. I have not and will not ever accept the term Mommy Blogger.
Image credit: Some rights reserved by Mike Licht, NotionsCapital.com
I get tired of this term because people use it for me and I don’t even have kids.
I completely understand how you feel. I do not share your feelings. In fact, I’m fine with the term. Anything with the word mom in it – is fine by me but I’m more than just a mom and damn smart one at that! I have a business, I’ve written a book, I have two degree’s and I can change my own damn tire if I get a flat (though I’d rather just call someone).
What’s sad is if the word mom is in front of the word blogger there is any indication that the women is less educated then someone like yourself that chooses to not like the title, “mommy blogger”. The title, whatever it is, writer, author, doctor, lawyer, grocery store clerk or mommy blogger does not define any one person. We are always more than a name tag or title – whatever that title might be. I’ve known some dumb writers, authors, doctors and lawyers over the year.
What I like about being called a mommy blogger is that the most important thing in my life is at the beginning of the title. First I am a mom. Second I am a blogger. I am more than a mom or a blogger but there will never be a title long enough to really encapsulate all I am or who you are.
On another quick note, I’ve met some high level executives who respect the title mommy blogger enough to invest thousands of dollars into working with mommy bloggers on campaigns. I’ve been respected in meetings with marketing teams, CEO’s of companies and amongst many other professionals while holding the title mommy blogger. I think the distaste is something not everyone shares.
Thanks for the thought provoking post and point of view. I admire and respect your work.
I admire and respect your work too Sommer!
I absolutely agree with you. Even if I posted a lot more about my kids, I wouldn’t want “mommy blogger” to be my identity and it’s too easy to dismiss moms who blog as “mommy bloggers” as though that makes their opinions less.
…A very big, exhausted thank you from someone who isn’t a Mum!!! It’s a lonely world out there for the childless blogger!