The Benefits of Planting Trees on Your Property
We all love trees, right? They provide shade, they help protect the environment, and they’re beautiful to look at. Plus, by planting trees around your home or business, you can experience many other advantages, some of which may surprise you. Keep reading to discover a few of the amazing benefits you can receive by planting trees on your property.
1. Trees Combat Global Warming and Air Pollution
The destruction of rain forests and the burning of fossil fuels result in the buildup of greenhouse gases. These excess gases, one of which is carbon dioxide, trap heat from the sun in the earth’s atmosphere, which results in rising global temperatures. Trees combat the greenhouse effect by trapping and absorbing carbon dioxide, then releasing oxygen into the air. Indeed, in a year’s time, one acre of trees can trap and absorb the same amount carbon dioxide produced by driving an automobile 26,000 miles!
When it comes to air pollution, trees trap and filter a number of pollutants, some of which include ozone, nitrogen oxides, ammonia and more. Also, in one year, an acre of trees can provide the necessary oxygen for 18 people. What’s more, noise pollution is also reduced as a result of trees.
2. Trees Save Energy
By providing shade, trees can reduce the energy required to cool your home or business. In fact, planting trees around your property can reduce air conditioning costs by as much as 50 percent! Plus, by using less electricity, we reduce the pollution associated with power plants.
3. Trees Provide Food
What’s better than fresh, handpicked fruit from your very own fruit trees? Not only will planting fruit trees save you money on produce and enhance the aesthetics of your property, but you’ll also have the peace of mind that comes from knowing exactly where your food came from. If you love the thought of enjoying fresh fruit from your own yard, make the effort to plant apple trees, pear trees, cherry trees, etc.
4. Trees Provide Protection from Ultra-Violet Rays
The threat of skin cancer is quite significant. In fact, in the US, skin cancer is the most common type of cancer, and can affect individuals of all types, regardless of age, race, skin tone, etc. Planting trees on your property can reduce exposure to ultraviolet rays by as much as 50 percent. This is especially important for families with young children, as well for individuals who spend lots of time outdoors.
5. Trees Promote Healing
Most of us know that trees provide ingredients for many modern medications, but did you know that greener environments promote healing and overall well-being, as well? Various studies have shown that spending time in green environments can reduce the symptoms of stress, depression and anxiety, as well as promote recovery in patients suffering from various complications to physical health.
6. Trees Enhance Property Value
For homeowners, the benefit of increased property value is significant. From enhancing the aesthetics of your home to reducing cooling costs, planting trees on your property can raise your property values by as much as 15 percent.
7. Trees Combat Water Pollution
In addition to reducing noise and air pollution, trees help protect the environment from water pollution, as well. By breaking rainfall and reducing runoff, trees fight water pollution by preventing pollutants from reaching rivers and oceans. Plus, when trees are mulched, they act as natural sponges, filtering rainwater and replenishing groundwater supplies.
Now that you know all the amazing advantages trees can provide, you have even more incentive to plant some of your own. Get busy now, and start reaping the benefits as quickly as possible!
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