Many green families have ditched paper towels all together. I wish I could admit to being that conscious, but we do use them in limited amounts (cleaning up dog vomit, cleaning the toilet seat, etc.). Paper towels are one of my “eco-guilts”, but we were just sent a new product that promises to help reduce our wasted paper both in the bathroom and in the kitchen.
Control-n-Roll prevents those “extra” one or two sheets of paper from unwinding and being wasted with every pull.
Control-n-Roll is a foam sleeve that slips onto your toilet paper and paper towel dispenser bar, which functions as a brake to stop the paper roll simultaneously when you stop pulling. Preventing those “extra” one or two sheets of paper from being wasted that generally always continues to unwind after you stop pulling off the desired amount you want.
Saving those “extra” one or two sheets of paper with every pull adds up to a substantial savings of paper in a year. Saving paper is saving money and natural resources (tree, water, electricity) needed to make it.
This product is made in the USA.
I do think it would be annoying to have to reinsert the foam sleeve every time we change the toilet paper roll. There already seems to be a lazy factor amongst some members of my house not to put a new roll on the dispenser. I also don’t really see extra toilet or paper towel rolling out to be much of a problem…I just roll it back onto the roll if it happens. I do see this as a problem in public bathrooms, however, as I do not want to use toilet paper that has touched the ground in these locations.
It is common for toddlers when first learning toiling to overuse toilet paper or to even discover the roll and pull all the paper off. This product could also be used to prevent such exploration.
Typical foam is not an eco-friendly material, but this product is designed to reduce paper waste.
Disclosure: The products described above were sent to us as free samples. Prior assurances as to the nature of the reviews, whether positive or negative, were not given. No financial payments were accepted in exchange for the reviews. The reviews reflect our honest, authentic opinions.
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