Fun Ideas To Raising Healthy & Active KidsĀ
Kids grow up to be more successful in life when they learn how to be happy and healthy.
While discipline and learning are important, play and laughter are helpful as well in giving children the tools to think creatively and feel confident in solving the problems in life that inevitably arise.
When parents focus not just on that which needs improvement in a child’s behavior but also on what the child is doing well, it helps create a safe environment for the child to learn to take risks and chance failure at appropriate times in order to learn new lessons. When behavior does need to be changed, it is best to approach discipline with a positive, constructive focus and not in a shaming or accusatory way.
Active Lifestyle
It is important to keep your kid active and involved in physical activities that will keep them healthy and active. People are meant to move, not be sedentary, and this is especially true for kids. Find out what sports or activities your children are suited for or like, and encourage them to sign up for teams or practices. Exercise and fitness habits that start when a child is young will set the standard for their lifestyle in the future.
Safety Gear
When your children are playing sports, make sure they have the proper safety equipment to keep them agile and protected so that they have a whole life of activity and fun ahead of them. Protective athletic gear can be found very easily online, which will help prepare your kid for the challenges on the field and will allow them to take risks without having to worry about the repercussions of possibly getting injured.
Learn Individual Child’s Style
Unfortunately, (or fortunately perhaps!) no two children respond the same way to any method of parenting. Each child has a different personality with certain characteristics, which makes it impossible for a systematic, one-size-fits-all approach to be possible. Every situation is different, and parenting methods need to be customized and suited for the individual child’s needs.
Healthy Diet & Nutrition
Create a healthy environment in your house where healthy, whole foods are the norm. Be wary of leaving too many sugary foods in the house, as this can create a dependency on food that is especially problematic when dealing with kids that have low inhibitions. Create strong habits in them of appreciating and desiring healthier foods so that they will not depart from that when they get older. Make sure they eat balanced meals that have healthy portions of vegetables and whole grains.
Foster a Strong Marriage
In the midst of the chaos of juggling all of life’s balls and trying to raise children together, don’t let the relationship between you and your spouse fall behind. It is important that you continue to nurture the relationship and are intentional in spending time together. Studies have shown that when a marriage is struggling when a baby is nine months of age that the child can have sleeping problems when they reach the age of eighteen months. Stress between partners can trickle down and create stress for the children.
Remember to keep in light and fun sometimes, as too much seriousness can add to life’s already overwhelming stresses. Loosen up and celebrate the ride with your children. Enjoy the good moments with your kids and share in much laughter, for laughter covers a multitude of errors.
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