Bottled water is bad for the environment. Walmart, the world’s largest retailer, has a history of selling toxic products and questionable business practices. Now consumers of Walmart’s Great Value brand purified bottled drinking water are reporting bad smells, disgusting tastes, and even vomiting from the product.
For at least ten years, Walmart has been selling toxic bottled water. The Environmental Working Group tested 228 brands of bottled water in 2008. Walmart’s was amongst the worst. In fact, the water tested contained cancer-causing chemicals at levels exceeding the standards for safety set by the Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986.((http://eyr.lil.mybluehost.me/2008/10/16/toxic-chemicals-in-wal-marts-bottled-water/))
Most of the dangerous toxins found in bottled water are odorless and tasteless. Consumers only become concerned when odors and flavors alert them to problems in bottled water quality. Consider the following reviews of WalMart’s Great Value Purified Water found on their website. These concerning reviews go back at least three years.
I have always bought this brand of water with no issue for many years. However, I bought this brand and drank about half the waters. The taste was a little off in some and I figure do maybe it was just me. Burn I couldn’t finish them because I would get sick almost immediately after drinking some. I wasn’t sure if it was the water so i bought other brands and drank them jus to fine but the minute i drank this water i fell sick again. Another thing is that I buy this brand in the kids sizes for my children but this time the store had run out so I got a different brand for them when we got groceries. Well, my son said they had run out of their water (not Great Value brand) so he grabbed one of mine (Great Value water) and he started throwing up and with an upset stomach immediately after drinking it. None of us have the flu or anything else. I told him no to drink the waters. I’m looking for a place to test the water because something is wrong.
I have been buying this water for a while this last time I noticed it had a bad smell.. I had stored the water in the fridge soon as I bought it. why does the water smell? never had before.. I looked for a date and it said December 18th so it wasn’t out of date. the date should be easier to read though had to use a magnifier just to see it . i am really disappointed I will need to find a new brand of bottled water to buy.
R1A1A 130417 best if used by 12Oct 18 0938 Never had an issue with Walmarts bottled water. This stuff tastes so bad, almost like dusty cardboard that instead of trying to find the receipt and return to the store, we put it in a tote to shoot next time we go out shooting. Awful awful awful. Makes me think it missed a filtration and what the heck is making it taste so bad. Is it even safe?
After looking online for a possible recall on this product and finding nothing and nowhere to notify Great Value of a possible problem with this product I’m left leaving my comments here. I purchased this product in November 2015. Half of the pack tasted fine but the other half had an odd rotten fruit aftertaste and left my bowel upset. At first I thought it was something I ate and then realized later that not drinking this water helped. I don’t know, perhaps I had a stomach bug? Anyhow, the package I purchased was bottled by Hydration Source LLC in Dallas, TX, with a best by date of 092417 and some other numbers below the expiry that have faded but seem to end in 1709. The price was right but between the taste and the upset stomach I won’t purchase this product again.
I will not be buying anymore of this water. I have been getting this water for several years now, most of the time it’s ok. Yesterday I opened a bottle at work and went to take a drink and the first thing that hit my nose was ( lake water smell) I couldn’t believe it so I took it to several of my coworkers to smell and the first girl said aww! fish smell. Two others smelled it and commented that it was fishy. I have never had any that was like this,most of the time it can have a plastic taste, but nothing like this. No more I will only buy Nestle pure life of aquafina from now on.((https://www.walmart.com/ip/Great-Value-Purified-Water-16-9-Fl-Oz-35-Count/21881851))
According to Walmart, the company relies on its suppliers to test the water quality it sells. The company claims:
The standards set for Great Value and Sam’s Choice bottled water produced both inside and outside California that is sold in the state significantly exceed U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) standards for purified drinking water.((https://corporate.walmart.com/waterreport))
In 2011, EWG found Walmart Great Value Purified Water did not meet state laws on labeling requirements. The label had the “appropriate information; however, water quality report not available via phone as implied by label”.((https://www.ewg.org/research/ewg-bottled-water-scorecard-2011/search?id=68#.WsWHvLbMwWp))
From the great plastic gyre in the ocean to bottled water companies depleting local aquifers, the reasons to not drink bottled water are plentiful. The motives to not drink Walmart’s Great Value Purified Water are even greater. Not only is the quality bad and the contents questionable, this bottled water is typically sourced from municipal tap water.
Great Value was criticized in 2015 for taking Sacramento water during severe drought. Citizens were not even allowed to water their lawns, yet Walmart was allowed to make a profit from its Great Value Purified Water.((http://sacramento.cbslocal.com/2015/05/08/wal-mart-bottled-water-comes-from-sacramento-municipal-supply/)) Furthermore, the water was trucked from Sacramento to Atlanta to be bottled! That’s a heavy carbon footprint.
Avoid all bottled water. Install a home water purifier if you are concerned about water quality from the tap. Costs range from $20 to $200. Some screw right onto your faucet, whereas others are installed under the sink. Over time you will save money, protect your health, and lessen your impact on the environment.
Image: Mike Mozart on Flikr C.C 2.0
I got a great value flour sometimes ago from Walmart, and i decided to bake some pies today. I opened the pack that has never been opened before and i saw several tiny Maggots inside of it. I made a video immediately. They need to recall a lot of products from walmart. myself, friends and family could have died or fall sick from eating the pie assuming i didn’t notice it.
That’s disgusting!
K so I bought a case of great value bottled water and my son drink from it not knowing to check the lid and there are tiny pin holes in there’s and now he’s been puking since yesterday what should I do
Go to the doctor.
The last four packs of my great value water have tasted terrible and have had gas built up inside them that gave them a bad smell. I was hoping for a recall for some clarity but not a single word yet.
i have for as long as i can remember bought walmart purified water and 1 i just opened actually SCHPRITZED when i opened it. bad tasted, chemical smell…..no idea what we CAN do
I always buy great value and haven’t had problems until the last time I bought a pack about a week ago and same issues as everyone else here. Like chemicals and getting sick as soon as I drank it.
This why I preferred filtered water over bottled water. I don’t want to compromise my heath because of bottled water. I think that it is now the time to make a move against bottled water.
Do not buy greater value water me and my whole family are I’ll and the bottled water taste horrible, it has really hit my 2 yr old hard I might have to take him to the emergency room… he is in bad shape… DO NOT BUY THIS PRODUCT IF U DON’T WANT TO DIE…..
Similar thing happened with the Walmart bottled water that my family purchased it smelt, & tasted a little funny but didn’t make anyone sick. Had Questioned a Walmart employee, the employee said oh yeah they recalled some of the waters, but when asked why the work said they didn’t know why. Walmart is shady!- I think they are always in a hurry to get their brand of product out that they do not throughly test their products, which also goes to show they don’t care if anyone gets harmed in the process all Walmart cares about is getting their product out & sold as soon as possible. -_-
has anyone tested the water for contamination? I have purchased 4 cases of great value water in a row and they have all tasted like soap, aside from throwing it out any ideas on what would be the cause?
I purchased large amounts of Distilled great Value water from Walmart believing I would stock up on water during this Pandemic I and prior to the country’s crisis I wasnt sure what was happening in my body but I began having metal taste in my mouth, I couldn’t pin point why I was feeling this way nausea and the sensation of a metal mouth and throat discomfort constantly, I have never had radiation treatment and I’m not taking Iron supplements , these things have been known to contribute to that as well, so I thought maybe it was a food I ate but I realized I went from Poland spring to great value water, I drank Poland spring for many years never had any problems . I just in the months past switched out of convenience because Walmart store is close by , and my throat feels weird as well I feel like I’ve been chewing on nails with this metal taste in my mouth horrible sensation, I’m gonna have whats left of these bottles tested ,I have even been experiencing palpitations, and then I’m going to the doctor to see what is contributing to this but I realized I didnt have this problem until I started drinking Great Value Water, what is really going on! seems like the Corona Virus may not be the only thing they are using to try an depopulate society !
You are not alone. People have been reporting problems with this water for a long time.
If the water is contaminated, how does it past through. Get permits, etc. Something is wrong with the whole picture. And cancer causes. Wal-Mart is to blame but also who passes it through@
I usually don’t drink bottled water of any kind, but I drank a bottle of Great Value water on Sunday 5/2/21 and had a very bad belly ache all night long. The next day I was tired from not being able to get much sleep, but felt better. Later that night, I drank some of another bottle of Great Value water and AGAIN developed a stomach ache but not nearly as bad as before because I only drank a little bit of the water. I am almost positive it is the bottled water that caused this. I would surely like to get it tested to find out what’s wrong with it!
It could be rotten water in a discieving bottle
This water tastes like your eating a spoon of salt , i thought it was just me and 2 people from work were like that’s full of salt, I’ve been sick for a week ! Does anyone know who to call . Walmart doesn’t care ?
I bought 3 forty packs of Great Value Water
I purchase the 40 count great value purified drinking water. Several times in 3 different cases I’ve found some with a horrible chemical smell and taste. I’ve had stomach and bowel problems and my drs can’t find anything. All I can figure it’s from this water I get diarrhea and don’t feel well. Will face book this so others don’t buy it. Numbers on bottle are 78742 04037.