Click on the title of this posting or copy and paste into your browser An old friend of mine told me about this great site, in which charities earn a percentage of your purchases. Click on your state and see what charities and merchants are available. … [Read more...]
Discovering Math with an Abacus
Many theories on early childhood education promote children's natural curiousity to discover mathematical concepts. Given manipulatives, children naturally experiment, hypothesize, and build their own theories. An abacus is a great toy for building such knowledge, and Melissa and … [Read more...]
The search for a natural baby doll
While I was pregnant with my second child, my mother wanted to buy my daughter her own baby doll. I spent countless hours searching the internet for the perfect, natural baby doll. I wanted a doll that was about the size of a newborn baby, in order that it could share clothes … [Read more...]
Greenwashing of Foods
Here is an interesting article in today's New York Times about the prevalence of organic foods in mainstream America. You can click on the title of this post to get to the article, or copy and paste the URL into your … [Read more...]
Magic Castle
The Ryan's Room/Small World Toys Majestic Castle and Mighty Knights is a big hit in our home. The castle is quite large and can be arranged in a square or straight line. Many knights come with this wooden castle, perhaps gearing the toy to boys. My daughter quicky added her … [Read more...]