I am so excited to have found a non-leaching, safe sippy cup made by Klean Kanteen , the stainless steel alternative to plastic. Klean Kanteen makes the best stainless steel water bottles. They are odor free and do not taste like metal. We have tried other stainless steel … [Read more...]
DHA Food Additive-Magical or Overrated
There is an interesting article in today's New York Times about DHA (a vegetarian source of omega-3 fatty acid), and whether it should be added to our food. It is already in infant formula. Here is an excerpt from the article. Magical or Overrated? A Food Additive in a Swirl by … [Read more...]
Ban on Lead in Kid's Jewelry in the Works
From the Sierra Club: Good news over the holidays as the Consumer Product Safety Commission, in response to a petition from the Sierra Club, voted unanimously to move forward with a regulation that could ultimately ban children's jewelry that was more than 0.06% lead by weight. … [Read more...]
San Francisco Bans Certain Plastic Toys!
Sunday, November 19, 2006 (SF Chronicle) TOXIC TOYS/San Francisco prepares to ban certain chemicals in products for kids, but enforcement will be tough -- and toymakers question necessity Jane Kay, Chronicle Environment Writer Widely used chemicals with suspected links to cancer … [Read more...]