We celebrated our child’s birthday with her friends last weekend. At every holiday, inevitably someone asks a child what gift she is wishing for. It’s times like that's where it becomes abundantly clear that we don’t watch kids TV. My child has no idea what toy she would like; … [Read more...]
The Legends of Mistletoe
We have an abundance of mistletoe growing in the oak trees on our property, so when I saw tiny bags of the plant for sale in our local coop, I balked at the price ($4.95). I think I should go in the mistletoe business! I don't have much affinity for this plant, as it is a … [Read more...]
Your Child and Biking
It might be the biggest cliche about Christmas for a kid: coming down the stairs on Christmas morning to find a shiny new bicycle. I can think of worse things to buy your kid than a mode of transportation that uses no fossil fuels. Biking is a lifelong activity that takes … [Read more...]
4 Hiking Activities For Your Children
Possibly the best way to get your children to become stewards of the earth is to get them outdoors from an early age. Once they become old enough, hiking local trails is a great physical activity that gets your family moving while seeing and appreciating nature. If you've never … [Read more...]
Camping With Your Kids
"One touch of nature makes the whole world kin." —William Shakespeare One great way to teach your children to appreciate our beautiful, natural world is to take them camping. This can be challenging with little ones, but it is well worth the effort. Shamefully, I have only … [Read more...]