In a turn of events not even Nostradamus could foresee, Cal Dooley, President and CEO of the American Chemistry Council (ACC), today announced that the millions of dollars the industry trade group has been using to lobby against policies that protect public health will now be used instead to research and develop safer chemicals.
“We’ve been focusing so much on maintaining the status quo and protecting our profits, that we neglected to notice how our bottom line really relies on the health of consumers,” Dooley said at a press conference outside the ACC headquarters in Arlington, Virginia. “If people have to spend the bulk of their income on health care or are working less due to chronic health conditions, they don’t have money left to buy our products. We’ve decided to make products that are safe and healthy for consumers, because it’s simply better for everyone.”
The ACC has also started their own national campaign to overhaul the outdated chemical regulatory system, the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), and has promised Congress and the Obama Administration that their member corporations will shoulder any tax burdens involved with increasing research, monitoring, and regulatory oversight. Parents, public health professionals, and environmental advocates across the country were speechless and unable to comment. This moment is simply too good to be true. No, really, it is. April Fools!
Unfortunately, the ACC is still really only concerned about maintaining their deep pockets at our expense, while trying to fool the American people into believing they care about public health. In fact, according to Safer Chemicals Healthy Families:
On the eve of Congressional action, and after years of insisting that the status quo was just fine, organizations like the ACC are suddenly announcing their support for reforming our nation’s toxic chemical policy. What changed? For starters, states are beginning to ban toxic chemicals like BPA. Even worse, consumers are snubbing products that contain toxic chemicals.
Understanding that they can’t fight this trend, the chemical industry has launched a PR campaign trying to appear green and clean; luring in supporters with Web sites designed to look like ours. But if you look past the fluff, you will find that our coalition and chemical industry reps still have very different ideas about what real TSCA reform should look like.
Below are some of the fundamental differences between Safer Chemicals, Healthy Families‘ vision of reform and that of the chemical industry:
What Public Health Advocates Want
• Public disclosure of safety information for all chemicals in use
• Prompt action to phase out or reduce the most dangerous chemicals
• Deciding safety based on real world exposure to all sources of toxic chemicals
What the Chemical Industry Wants
• Limited testing of a handful of chemicals, leaving us in the dark about safety hazards
• More lengthy and costly studies of chemicals already proven to be dangerous
• An assumption that we are only exposed to one chemical at a time, and from one source at a time
Don’t Be Duped! Learn more and tell everyone you know.
• Sign the petition to Congress.
• Sign-up for the Healthy Child Healthy World newsletters so you know exactly what’s going on and when it’s most important for your voice to be heard.
• Share the video, “A Wake-Up Story,” so people can understand why TSCA reform is so important.
Image Courtesy of lepiaf.geo / CC BY-SA 2.0
No really? today is. April Fools!