I would never in a million years feed my children Little Debbie products, but I remember eating them as a child.
Yesterday, Little Debbie announced the recall of its snack products containing peanut butter due to concerns of salmonella contamination.
Salmonella can be deadly, especially to children, and the company has responded with a voluntary recall of cookies, cakes, ice cream and other foods with peanut butter. The focus of the recall is peanut paste, in addition to peanut butter, produced at Peanut Corp.’s Blakely, Ga., facility. The peanut paste, made from roasted peanuts, which is often an ingredient in cookies, cakes and other products. Little Debbie has included its Peanut Butter Cheese sandwich cookies and Peanut Butter Toasty sandwich crackers in the recall.
Thus far, six people have died as a result of salmonella contaminated peanut butter that has been recalled.
As part of this recent outbreak, 470 people have gotten and at least 90 have been hospitalized. Salmonella is the most common form of food poisoing in the US. I guess it is time to start making peanut butter the old fashioned way at home.
My ? would be, does this contain the Little Debbie Nutty Bars. i need to know ASAP, since i just purchased a box this past week-end for my children.
Rebecca, according to the Little Debbie press release that is linked to in the post, no. But as a parent, I would not eat it or feed it to my child to be cautious.
I called Sam’s today since I purchased some this weekend. They are not on the recall list but they said they will gladly take them back even though I opened and ate some. I will return on tomorrow.
i believe that 4 people in our family became sick from the little debbie nutty bars. most recent our daughter ate one (one stick) and became sick the follwing morning.(very crampy, and a liquid stool).we all felt the same but didn’t put 2 and 2 togather.
hi Mark and others who read this reply.
little Debbie cakes, donuts and rolls and etc cause diarrhea. as of today I wll not eat them again.
no wonder moms go thru so many diapers with the kids and wash stains from their underware.
big corporations don’t care about how their products effect us, just how much profits they can make at our expense.
ps. hostess is not much better.
live and learn.
Don’t believe hersay and 15th hand news…go to the source: http://www.mckeefoods.com/
This is a voluntary recall and McKay is specific in what is ok and what not to eat.
@Andy I say do believe in the hersay because sometimes it’s the only way you can find out the truth b/c companies are hiding and protecting themselves. Voluntary is just so they can look better.
Great post Jennifer, thank you. Scary.
I don’t think the Nutty Bars are on the list YET, but if they do go, I will still eat them. No one is taking my Nutty Bars away from me.
No the nutty bars are not include because those cracker they buy them from others company ..the nutty bar they make it then self
My husband just got sick and just recently had the nutty bars, but according to the website the nutty bars are safe…. so I dont know if it is a coincidence or not.
An earlier post asked about Little Debbie Nutty Bars. I had the same question. According to the Little Debbie site…
“Following is a complete list of Little Debbie® products which contain peanuts or peanut butter but which are NOT AFFECTED BY THE RECALL:
Even though I work at T.G.I.Friday’s. I recently went to Wal-Mart and stole some nutty bars. I ate 1 bar and then I ended up having the shits for weeks and a horrible flu. I was basically throwing up out of both ends. I got what i deserved…salmonella!!
I became really sick with all the classic signs of Salmonella poisoning after eating a bar. I bought them at Sams Club and ate most of them until the one got me. Came down with severe stomach cramping and severe diahrea including mostly bloody discharge.
Only lasted a couple days but was not fun.
there is a great list of recalled products at the following link – it includes products that are missed out of the FDA’s searchable database list but which are listed in the company recalled list, which I find confusing – I recommend checking it out – it also has a good list of products which are cleared as confirmed by manufacturers and FDA combined.
I had nutty bars earlier today and it has been about 11 hours and I have no symptoms, but comments on this made me paranoid. My dad and I have eaten them earlier this week and there is no symptoms. On the website, it states that they were, indeed, not affected by the recall. So I truly hope I’ll be okay. How long until symptoms would occur ?
Your site says:
“Thus far, six people have died as a result of the peanut butter recall for salmonella.”
I highly doubt 6 people have died as a result of the recall. 6 people have died from the salmonella, but not the recall. Unless those people then had nothing else to eat after the recall.
And that would be tragic.
Good point Henry. I’ll correct the sentence.
Curse you Little Debbie, and your sloppy unsanitary peanut outsourcing!
I’m sitting here on a Friday night looking at bare cabinets, hunger pangs, and a delicous box of unopened Little Debbie Nutty Bars staring back at me.
Into the garbage chute you go!
Well at least they aren’t made in China, YET.
Its kind of poetic really, my job and so many others outsourced and H1-B’d away, then the slave labor overseas factories poison us with their lax or nonexistent food regulations.
It all works out!
I know here in our area, their is a stomach bug going around. And most people sick, didn’t eat any “Little Debbie” products. I know their is concern, but not all products with Peanut Butter is bad.
Had nutty bars 2 weeks ago, before recall was announced. And guess what got sick w abdominal cramps, fever, and diarrhea. So are the corporations telling the feds the truth? What do you think, its all about the money! If they cared about the consumer they would have inspectors on their dime inspect the facilities. So what do you do, go with common sense to the store.
BEWARE! The nutty bare are infected! I ate two this weekend and have been throwing up! I am a breastfeeding mother too! Not good!
I ate most of a full box of 24 before finding one that got me sick. It only takes one. Luck of the draw.
I didnt report my sickness to anyone. You have to go to a Doctor to have it confirmed and my sickness got better after a couple days (at least the Hemorrhaging of blood)
I have to pay everything out of pocket when going to a Doctor
Makes you wonder how many products would have been recalled if it was mandatory to report this kind of thing or if there was a health line to report.
want to know if lil debbie (Kellogg) pecan swirls are on recall list. My mother (age 92) purchased these a month ago and it states it contains peanut paste. pleae repond. thank you.
We’ve been eating Nutty Bars all along with no problems. I don’t think salmonella just goes away after an upset stomach. Does it? Hopefully we are all safe with our Nutty Bars!
I eat Little Debbie nutty bars every day and have had no problems. I also want to say there has been a terrible stomach virus going around. My little granddaughter had it for 9 days and she had no PB products. Who knows, some of those who thought they had samonella poisioning might have had this.
I ate a nutty bar yesterday, why?, I’ve had the bubble guts today and bad gas yesterday. All of this after I told my friend to put some peanut butter back at the grocery store…
In 1980 I had “food poisoning. After the death of my father-in-law, some church ladies sent a baked ham to the house. It sit out all afternoon then some put it into the fridge. Next day, during the funeral, some of the church ladies came to put out the food. One of them reheated the ham. Well, salmonella was lurking. Some of the ham was ok and some people did not get sick from it, but my sister-in-law, her brother and I all got very, very sick. We were taken by ambulance to the ER, but before that, I was sitting on the throne with my head stuck in a wastebasket and the yuck was coming from both ends. It was very harsh and lasted for hours. My sister-in-law and her brother had their stomach’s pumped. They were bending over double because of the pain. The doctor said most of the bad food had already gone through me. The hospital had to give me fresh clothing to wear home because I was sick in the ambulance. This wasn’t a simple sick stomach or a few loose stools either. It was awful. So, to you all I think you people would know if you got sick from salmonella poisoning.
My boyfriend ate 3 nutty bars within the past 2 weeks and he is sick also like some of you are stating, liquid bowels, cramps, and everything. I find it hard to believe that this could be a “by chance” thing since others are getting sick from nutty bars too. Nutty bars have peanut butter in them so why wouldnt they be on the list too? I think they should be added because people are getting sick from these things
The recalled PB crackers were apparently made for Little Debbie by the Kellog Corporation, which bought Peanut paste from the contaminated source. Little Debbie products do not use this source for the products they manufacture, including the Nutty Buddy Bars, and so these should be okay. There are of course, no guarantees in life, including the safety of expensive “organic” products many prefer.
A few days ago, my wife ate a package ( 2 bars in a package ), of “Little Debbie Nutty Bars”, because it is NOT on the list. She ate them in the morning, and that night she was sick with an upset stomach, and she ended up “throwing up” like 3-4 times that night, plus she had diarrhea all night long as well.
I told her to get rid of all the “Nutty Bars” and bring them back to the store and get them out of the house, because they need to be added to the list of recalls to help protect people!!!
This is what lil Debbie did to me: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TW3ytw_8XHA
The nutty bars are not included in the recall, as they are not made from the company in GA. My husband is a distributer for Little, and they are not hiding anything from the consumers. The nutty bars are our kids favorite Little Debbie snack, and have never gotten sick from them. Get the facts before you start slandering good companies.
i have a box right now and they tempt me every time i open my panterey the nutty bars are so good so ill eat one for the sake of others
I ate Little Debbie Nutty Bars yesterday and have had an upset stomach and diarrhea all day. I have a feeling that Nutty Bars need to be added to the list.
I just bought three boxes and have already killed 1 box now on to the second the nutty goodness is just too hard to resist!
Same here. Ate a Nutty Buddy from the office vending machine and have been sick with diarrhea 3x since. Bit of nausea, bit of a fever, etc…..
I grew up eating Nutty Bars…I love (loved) them. I bought a pack earlier this week to give to my kids (I figured they would like them just as much as I did). Well, I gave one bar to my 2 yr old son…he at half of it and has been sick since (diahrea mainly). I threw them away
I work for McKee Foods, manufacturer of Little Debbie products. I assure you that Little Debbie Nutty Bars are not made with peanut butter sourced form the Peanut Corporation of America. Nor are the other products we make that use peanut butter.
If the Nutty Bars were contaminated, then we would be hearing people say they are getting sick off the other products as well. No one is saying, “I ate a Little Debbie Peanut Butter Crunch Bar and got sick.” Nor are they saying, “I ate a Little Debbie PB&J Oatmeal Pie and got sick.”
These products all use the same peanut butter that we manufacture in-house as the Nutty Bars. How could a contamination limit itself to one product when the peanut butter all comes from the same place.
Our Little Debbie products that contain peanut butter are not affected by the PCA peanut product contamination investigation.
Mike Gloekler,
McKee Foods Corp.
From Little Debbie:
If Nutty Bars were in fact making people sick, then all our peanut
butter products would be making people sick since they all get peanut
butter from the same batch. But no one is claiming to have been made
sick from Peanut Butter Crunch Bars or PB&J Oatmeal Pies.
Nutty Bars have become an easy target because they are so well-known as
a Little Debbie product. None of our peanut-containing products are
affected by the recall. We do not source peanut butter from PCA.
Thank you,
Mike Gloekler
Communications & Public Relations Manager
Since Nutty Bars are so well known, maybe no one else is eating those other “contaminated” products…thus, not getting sick from “not” eating them? I’m just saying that my son is still sick…maybe from bad milk? But he only drinks the name brand milk…so how can we tell? But thanks for the follow-up.
My son is 14 and ate Nutty Buddy Bar on Saturday and has been havaing severe dirrhea and vomiting since. Went to the ER for IV fluids las night (Monday) and they are testing him for salmonella today. He is VERY sick.
little Debbie snacks gives you the shits.
all of 1 type of snack is not made from the same batch! you think they make a million gallons of it at 1 time? hahaha.
some batches can be good and some bad.
how dumb is America getting to be?
I worked the communications field and will give you 1 example…
we were installing a new paging system in a well known “tamale” MFG plant. the ceilings were about 30′ high to the truses. we had to string cables all around the plant and there was like a 1/2″ of of dust and other sticky stuff on the tops of the truses. down below they had big stainless steel vats with the tops open while we worked and they were mixing the ingredients for the tamales. lots of dust and chunks of junk fell down as we worked. even into the vats. none of the workers in the plant cared.
I used to eat that brand of glass jarred tamales but quit right after I left that job site.
makes me wanna puke now! I ate them for years but no more.