I thought I would be one of those mothers who would lovingly home make all the baby food. I sniffed at the idea of baby food in the jar. Why would I ever want to feed my baby THAT? I got a copy of Super Baby Food, read through it and smugly declared that I would never resort to feeding my baby those unhealthy commercialized baby products… Organic or not. Of course, reality set in once I became a mom. Days when just doing one more thing was an impossible task, I begrudgingly reached for those Organic baby food jars at our local grocery store with a heavy guilty conscious. On my defense, I did try to make homemade baby food, but Layla turned her head and longingly looked at the baby food jars. So even she agreed that my calling was not to be a home cooking mom.
Well there’s a healthy compromise with the HAPPYBABY frozen baby meals. Aptly tag-lined, “Think Outside the Jar” It’s a great alternative to busy, very tired, or cooking challenged moms. Instead of processed jar food, you get fresh but frozen food that is delicious as well as nutritious. All the ingredients are Organic. There are vegan and vegetarian option as well as organic meat for carnivores {which we are}. “HAPPYBABY was born when we saw the need for nutritious and convenient alternatives to highly processed baby food. We believe baby’s first meals should taste and look delicious—and nourish baby’s body”. Should I mention that it is endorsed by Doctor Sears {who is my go to person on parenting}.
How it works. There are portions of pureed food that is frozen into little cubes which helps with portion control. You just take out the amoun that you need. The cubes pop out easily and you just warm it up. You can use defrost it in the refridgerator, microwave it, or use the saucepan. Here’s the breakdown of the food available and the links to them.
- Yes Peas + Thank You Carrots
- Smarter Squash + Wiser Apple
- Sweeter Potatoes + Purer Pear
- Grrreat Greens + Easy Going Greens:
- Baby Dhal + Mama Grain:
- Chick Chick
- Gobble Gobble + Paradise Purée
- Super Salmon + Regular Prunes
Although many mothers idealize the thought of making all their baby foods, for some it’s not an option. This is a great alternative to processed foods. Not that we are knocking, Layla has thrived with the Organic baby jar foods. But for moms who wants more… this is a wonderful alternative. A bit pricey but then what baby food isn’t?
[This post was written by Susie Kim.]
rachel says
There is another option! My son is coming up on 13 months and he’s never had pureed food (unless you count “cream of…” soups). He started with finger foods (like spears of lightly steamed carrots and zucchini) at 6 months and now he eats everything I eat. Meals for us have been fun and easy for 6+ months now, and I can’t imagine introducing solids in any other way. For more info on this method of weaning (called Baby-Led Weaning), see here: http://www.rapleyweaning.com/links.php
Pure Mothers says
I used some of this brand. But I was also lucky enough to live in LA where a FRESH organic baby food company set up shop, called Homemade Baby. They have limited distribution right now. I used some of their food when it was too difficult or expensive to make that variety myself (peas). Everything else I made myself – but these frozen choices filled in the gaps when I ran out or wasn’t able to make afresh batch!
Sharon Medway says
I personally have been concerned about DHA since I had been seeing it on everything when my daughter was born 3yrs ago. I tried to stay away from it just on instinct. Well it turns out the chemical process uses hexane and a portion stays in the DHA. I emailed over to HappyBaby foods in anger to complain and was told that they use Hexane-Free DHA and all their “parts” are organic.
I received an email back assuring me that They had taken all their ingredients into consideration and suggested I check out some of the other items. I did and they are great. I emailed an apology and found out that not only was the email answered by a person – and clearly she read and addressed all my concerns – but it was the Co-Founder!!!! We are “sold” on this baby food.
Crimson Wife says
I don’t use their frozen meals but I *LOVE* their line of cereals. For me, I don’t mind making homemade fruit & veggie baby food, but it’s such a pain to make the baby cereals from scratch.