Has your child ever had head lice? Have you?
If you answered yes, you will do anything to not have that happen again.
When lice infestation occurs, not only do you have to treat your head, but everything in your home needs treated too. It’s a huge job to throw everything in the dryer and bag up the rest.
Lice is so difficult to get rid of that many times natural families resort to chemicals, especially if they think their homes and cars are infested. Lice is so prevalent amongst humans that is actually building up a tolerance to chemical treatments. Super lice!
You don’t have to resort to chemicals when that head itch comes, and we have written many posts on how to get rid of lice naturally in the past. But why go there? Prevention is the best course!
Sharing hats, hugging, coat racks, etc. are all ways that lice is spread around in schools. Lice prefers clean hair, so infestations are not a sign of hygiene issues, although often it can be sign of close living quarters at home.
Essential oils are great in repelling lice. Fairy Tales natural hair products make it simple and natural to use the power of oils to prevent head lice. We were sent three products to try:
- [amazon_link id=”B000O7JK0A” target=”_blank” ]Fairy Tales Repel Conditioning Spray, Rosemary[/amazon_link]
- [amazon_link id=”B002OJDJ6M” target=”_blank” ]Fairy Tales All Natural, Organic Hair Care for Children Rosemary Repel Shampoo[/amazon_link]
- [amazon_link id=”B0046KL4SW” target=”_blank” ]Fairy Tales Rosemary Repel Creme Conditioner [/amazon_link]
Fairy Tales Rosemary Repel Natural Lice Prevention line has professional hair-care products designed to prevent head lice and is a must-have for any kid’s summer camp bag! The chemical and toxin free products cleanse and nourish your child’s hair through the use of organic herbs and natural plant extracts in order to help prevent unwanted critters. Rosemary Repel Shampoo combines organic rosemary, citronella, tea tree, anise, lavender and geranium oils to gently help repel lice. This sulfate-free product hydrates and nourishes the hair to keep your kid’s locks looking fabulous. The Rosemary Repel Creme Conditioner works perfectly after using the Rosemary Repel Shampoo to eliminate tangles and leave hair looking revitalized. Loaded with organic herbs, theRosemary Repel Conditioning Spray is a parent’s number one defense against head lice – a spray per day keeps the lice away! With this product line, say goodbye to fear of head lice and hello to beautiful and frizz-free hair. This trio of products is essential to keeping your kids’ hair looking great while also preventing head lice.
It doesn’t matter how fancy a school your child attends, head lice can happen. Regular lice checks by school staff helps to nip the nits before they become rampant, but as a parent you can also use Fairy Tales for a little peace of mind and protection. Why not? These products are safe and natural, so there is no reason not to use them on a regular basis.
Plus, I really like the smell!
I think these would also make a great back-to-school gift for teachers:)
[amazon_enhanced asin=”B0046KL4SW” /][amazon_enhanced asin=”B002OJDJ6M” /][amazon_enhanced asin=”B000O7JK0A” /]
Disclosure: The products described above were sent to us as free samples. Prior assurances as to the nature of the reviews, whether positive or negative, were not given. No financial payments were accepted in exchange for the reviews. The reviews reflect our honest, authentic opinions.
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